Camelia Wogu – Fiber

Camelia Wogu creates echo prints using natural fibers and non-toxic dyes extracted from plants, which are transferred onto materials such as silk, linen, bamboo, or felted wool. Preparing the plant material and arranging it on the chosen fabric is a unique artistic process, ensuring that no two scarves are alike. The result is an imprint of leaves, flowers, and colors that only Mother Nature can create. 

Beryl Reichenberg – Fiber

Beryl experiments with ceramics, fiber art, photography, handmade books, and paper sculptures, with a focus on three-dimensional and container forms. She draws on a variety of materials and techniques, building her pieces intuitively. Her art emphasizes layering, delicacy, and the translucent qualities of handmade paper. She creates both functional and decorative pieces that are delicate and charming in their creativity.

Sharon Gellerman – Fiber

Sharon Gellerman offers hand-marbled silk scarves infused with vibrant colors and patterns. As a textile artist, she blends modern creativity with classical marbling techniques to create timeless, wearable art. Each scarf is meticulously infused with vibrant hues and intricate patterns. Through her artistry Sharon remains rooted in tradition and is committed to bridging cultures, communities, and hearts around the world.